Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A sphere.Image via Wikipedia

This is how my project is developing at the moment. The spherical images below were taken by projecting digital still images on to a semi transparent sphere. After playing with the light, zoom, saturation and focus on the projector, I then photographed the projection in a darkened space.
These are the resulting images below. Some of the images worked out better than others, light, color and the subject matter played a big part in the resulting pieces. The samples below are the ones I was happiest with. While the work is still evolving it is nonetheless a further small piece in a much larger puzzle.
One of the areas I had been unable to resolve in my own head, was how I was going to display the work and how I would make it interactive for the viewer. I felt that the interactive element would come from manipulating the content. Much like the the photos below of the baby in the Blog have been manipulated by playing with different images and bringing them together in a final piece.
My idea on how to create the interactive element is for the viewer to be able to select particular images and interact with them thereby manipulating the content themselves .This would also apply to the sound.
However as Mikael Fernstrom (my course tutor) pointed out, the psychical manipulation could come from the sphere itself. This means if I used the sphere as part of the showcase for the work. The viewer could interact by touching the sphere to manipulate the imagery and sound. This means that the Sphere would act as a touchscreen.
One suggestion on how this could be done is to set up multiple web-cam's behind the screen and also the projector. The idea is that the cameras would be programmed to react to the touch of a hand on screen, this in turn would play the selected images.
I am wondering how this could be best done would Flash be a good medium where you could set up the pictures in frames and program them to respond to touch much like buttons.
The next stage is back to the projection space with my camera,and try to video moving image on the sphere as well.
Suggestions are welcome.

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